Lavoisier, father of modern chemistry

Antoine Lavoisier, was born in Paris, France on August 26, 1743. He grew up in an aristocratic and wealthy family. His father was a lawyer and his mother died when he was only five years old. Antoine discovered his love for science while attending college. He was going to follow in his father's footsteps, however, he never did practice law because he found science much more interesting.

He made great advances in chemistry thanks to his discoveries. Some of his investigations are: The Elements and Chemical Nomenclature, Water is a Compound, The First Chemistry Textbook, and the most important for me, and for many of the scientists, is “The Law of Conservation of Mass”.

Lavoisier is a great scientist for me, because despite the limited technology and advances that had by then, he made great discoveries that not only helped in the area of chemistry. His discoveries helped to the whole world. I admire him because even though his father belonged to another profession, he preferred to follow his dreams and motivations, becoming a great scientist.

The cause of his death, however, is sad. He was sentenced to death by the revolutionaries and he died by the guillotine for a mistake that he made.


  1. It's sad how history treats great scientists.

  2. If he had lived longer, what wonders he would have done. :O

  3. That's the impressive thing, despite the few technology of the time they did great things.

  4. He did not deserve that death, sad.

  5. wow, i don´t know many information about Lavoisier, now i think he is pretty amazing


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